1. Finish Zoe's room
2. Start and finish Zayden's room
3. Paint the kids bathroom and decorate (ocean/fish theme)
4. Paint the downstairs hall
5. Carpet installed "I AM SO EXCITED"
We are so worn out and so we decided after mutual talking that we would do the kids bathroom the month of June maybe July who knows but it will get done soon. And as for the hall we have painted half of it and that is the next project which will be (hopefully) the end of this month. Spud said he is taking a vacation for two weeks, but he still has to plant his vegetables and cut grass, so his vacation is only from inside remodeling. Thank you Spud for all your late nights and for finishing the most important projects (our kids room's). THANK YOU Pk and Rosie for all your help and late nights we really appreciate it. And now the moment you all have been waiting for.....
First and last picture are Zayden's room, second two are Zoe's room, third two are the living room, the next two are the guest bedroom, then the stairs.