Zoe was so excited that it was snowing yesterday she asked us over and over if she could play in the snow. We told her that when mom gets home we will build a snowman. Let's just say she did not forget, when I walked in the door she was dressed and ready to build. So the adventure of building/playing in the snow for the first time began, first she slipped in the snow and started to cry, then I fell and she started to cry, then daddy fell and yes she started to cry, I am so glad my baby girl is so concerned with her daddy and I falling. We then start construction on building the snowman, after we finish we dig through snow to find stuff for the arms and face, finally we just used weeds.
Then Zoe sees the neighbor girls making snow angels so she falls over and makes the most beautiful angel I have ever seen(look closely).
So we decide that it's time to go in because we are all freezing and that's when the crying begins, it took us at least 30 min to calm her down and explain that it is to cold. The sad thing is when we woke up today all our hard work fell over during the night and now Zoe wants to go out there and fix it.
How cute! We still haven't built a snowman. I love how Zoe's so concerned with your well being!
AWWW I love zoe! She is getting so big! I hope you guys have a great christmas! Love you all!
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